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Appreciating Simpler Things | March Favourites, Goals & Thoughts


In this week’s video I share my monthly 3 favourite things, 2 goals and 1 Thought. You could play the video just for the music while reading. No speaking involved!

3 Favourites:

I love how she focuses on little moments. How her lens captures the little things. The calming music she uses to bring everything a more beautiful perspective. Her video inspired my video this week. Although far from her quality, it felt really nice to make. I feel like I could watch it over and over again.

2 – Muji Weekly Planner

I’ve been using this planner this year since my brother brought it back from Japan during Chinese New Year. I love it. It’s so simple yet informative. It only has lines and boxes in each page so you can fill in the date and months yourself. I’ve been planning by week lately and I find it works great for me.

3 – Artsy Daphy’s Shop!!!

I finally published Arty Daphy’s shop and I am IN LOVE. You can download colouring templates off the shop now from the comfort of your homes. Just download and print and colour to develop a new skill over this quarantine period. I will be uploading all sorts of genres so there will be something for every age and gender!

2 Goals

1 – Artsy Daphy Shop published!

Yeah again, I’ve had the shop sitting on Artsy Daphy for YEARS. So finally having it active is pure joy and a long-term goal finally accomplished


Apart from being active here again, Artsy Daphy also has a blog and it’s updated. Will be sharing more art related stuff there, so do drop by:

1 Thought

About the third year working after graduating from University, I was thinking about my future. With my salary then, I couldn’t see how I could save any month AND buy a house (which I’m obsessed with because I just want to decorate and cosy up in a space of my own). I kept thinking of ways I could earn more, and it seemed clearer and clearer that the 8-5 was limiting me. When I started accepting art jobs was when I realised, wow, there’s more value to my skill than I realised.

It’s been 5 years since I started Artsy Daphy. I’m glad I went on this journey. It taught me that there’s a way to get whatever you need done. Just don’t give up and keep trying all ways.

So during this tough time, I’m not as lost, because, inside somewhere I believe, I’ll find a way through 🙂

Thanks for reading! check out the previous post related to productivity HERE.

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