Once again, it has been too long. One week is long, but THREE?!, it just feels like an eternity. So much just gets piled up and the longer you wait, the less relevant the experience feels in time.
Anyway, just got back from almost 2 weeks in Japan! There is SO MUCH to share about the trip. Because it was purely a touring trip, I got NO work done for the whole 12 days! But it was action and experience packed, it was extremely fulfilling!
Back to October. Here's a rather random video. Just a couple of short clips of what went on here and there. Took me an entire week to upload because of bad internet:
Like my new hair??? It's partially highlighted and dyed in some greenish brown but looks copper here, I know. Apparently it's something to do with Asian's hair base color being red or something, this I don't really know. But here's a clearer picture of the fresh outta oven hair:

I also had my nails done after forever! Did them because I knew I wasn't going to be painting any murals for two weeks. They're done in gel. I've also swapped the Note 7 for the Samsung S7 Edge. Not much to complain about, except that the edge screen can get quite annoying if you don't use a casing, AND I REALLY MISS THE PEN.

But the phone's fantastic camera and waterproof features are definitely great! This was a hangout with my colleagues and one of their adorable baby!!! taken with the s7 edge. He's the sweetest little thing EVER.

Talk about hangouts, got to meet up with all my uni mates again for Godric's wedding! After spending so many years apart, there's still so much we all could click with from all the experiences back in the day. Happy to have met everyone :D

Oh ya, Matt had a new litter of puppies which we sadly had to give away one after the other. These are the final moments with these two beautiful babies. T_TÂ They're in great homes now with loving parents, and that's all an almost-parent can hope for *dramatic sobbing*.

I've also attempted to join in the #Inktober 2016 thing on Instagram. BUT, I think I barely made it through a week before I starting scrambling around with art commissions. Here is one of the few precious sketches I was able to whip up before the chaos. Look for more on my Instagram! @artsydaphy.
As you can see, this post is completely random. I realized that October is alot less boring that I thought it was after going through my pictures and some video clips that I completely missed the when rushing to get the vlog done.
Anyway, December is coming. Fulfilled all your resolutions yet? I know there is just one thing left I need to do. How bout you?
Stay tuned for some Japan content in the weeks to come! And follow on my social media links on the upper right corner for more updates! :D