There’s something romantic about death. How it makes people feel sad yet…Â grateful and… loved. It is the motivator as well as the barrier for the living. It is the only thing that is “for sure” and “forever”.
These are wilted flowers from some of the bouquets I’ve received. Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila) are normally put at the side in such bouquets as supplementary decoration. It helps put the big flowers together when they’re all fresh and beautiful. But when the bouquet starts to wilt, these are the plants that will die with grace and even remain beautiful in death.

This is not the first time I’ve took pictures of wilted plants. I made a little art piece with wilted lily petals once. You can see more pictures of this piece on

Wilted plants have also been a nice decorative piece on my little shelf of collections.

Have a great weekend everyone.