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June in Pictures


OMG. Has it been a month? I pinch myself every time I realised I neglected this blog for more than a week. And now… I cannot… explain myself. One can only do better next time. Here’s a post about the whole of June with pictures from my Instagram:

June for me has been freaking weird. The month has gone by in a blink of an eye yet it felt like the longest month ever. Again, something was up every week. I spent a good half of the month on crutches and learning to handle the whole of life on one leg. I went to Sibu to paint stuff and got on the newspapers as a One Legged Artist. Made some cool friends in the Mural business too but I’ll leave the whole story for an individual post!

I got back to Kuching, missed a week of YouTube video D:!!! and became super occupied with the day job throughout the month.

Went to Susu’s wedding right after a job assignment in sneakers, with a backpack that weighed a ton and again, crutches:

Painted a mural for the facelift for Secret Recipe Satok which I have yet to the process pictures and videos.

I’ve learnt, did, and experienced so much that by the end of the month, I can only sum the feeling as – burnt out like ashes.

I seriously felt so tired, all I wanted everyday was to eat either something really sweet or really salty (or maybe it was just PMS). I didn’t even bother to have more than one beer during social occasions. It was just too bland.

All I craved for was peace and quiet… dressing up to feel better… be around lots of greens…

and doing tons of workouts.

Yes, I GOT BACK TO GYM LAST WEEK!!! I can’t lift weights yet but can cardio and do some simple upper body exercises. So glad that I haven’t completely ballooned into an elephant from my one-month-sedentary lifestyle.

Am actually pretty glad I still maintained most of my strength and shape. PHEW.

So yeah, that sums up my June. Telling a story through Instagram pictures is so much easier than slowly editing and uploading pictures here. Haha. Good for speedy posts.

However, I do have lots more pictures about each occasion mentioned above that I hope to share with you guys soon. Just need to get a ton of other things sorted first. Hope it wouldn’t take more than a week again. Thanks for hanging around 😀

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